project deliverables template

What is a Project Deliverables Template?

The Project Deliverables Template is used to keep track of a project’s deliverables, which are essentially the goods or services that the project produces for its clients or project sponsors. The main outcomes of a project are its deliverables. Project deliverables relate to the outcome of a project, regardless of whether it is tangible or intangible. The project deliverables template assists in giving information about the outcome of a certain project. The template compares the development of multiple projects and tracks their results.

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Project managers widely use this template to keep track of the deliverables during the entire project lifecycle.

Project Deliverables Checklist Template

To keep track of various deliverables for any project, use this template for a project deliverables checklist.

To organize your plan’s overall structure clearly, you can insert task details, due dates, and statuses using this template.

It allows to utilization of the checkboxes to mark jobs as finished.

This spreadsheet template includes data regarding each project deliverable in a table manner where there are two categories; due date and status.

Due Date refers to the date at which the project deliverable is to be presented.

Status includes the following sub-categories:

  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Complete
  • Needs Review
  • Approved
  • Overdue
  • On Hold

The status also includes priority which can be termed as Low, Medium, and High.

Project Plan Deliverables Template

This simple project plan deliverables template enables timetable management and provides for the tracking of project tasks.

The sections allow for the entry of task information, including start and end dates as well as who is responsible for each work.

An assignee may initial the Sign-off column after finishing a task.

This template will help you ensure that your deliverables are met and that your team is kept up to date on the project’s progress.

This Excel spreadsheet template includes the following information:

  1. Project Name
  2. Project Manager
  3. Start Date
  4. Project Deliverable
  5. End Date
  6. Scope Statement
  7. Overall Progress

At Risk

  • Yes
  • No

Task Name (Explain here)

Assigned To (write here)

Start Date (enter the date)

End Date (Date here)

Duration in days (mentioned here)


  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Complete
  • Needs Review
  • Approved
  • Overdue
  • On Hold
  • Sign Off

Project Management Deliverables Template Excel

project deliverables template

This simple template makes it easy to manage the budget and project deliverables.

It includes particular information like deadlines, task names, assignees, and task specifics.

To help you monitor your spending, the columns under the Cost/Hours header compare your estimated and actual hours.

If you are working on several projects at once, this template is a terrific organizational tool.

This template includes the following information:

Project Details


  • Not Started
  • In Progress
  • Complete
  • Needs Review
  • Approved
  • Overdue
  • On Hold


  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Deadline (write here)

Task Name (detail here)

Assignee (mentioned here)

Description (draft here)

Deliverables (all must be here)

Percentage Done (shown in this section)

Cost / Hours (described in this section)

Fixed Cost (must be shown)

Estimate Hours (draft here)

Actual Hours (actual hours that are required for this)

Project Name (project name or identity)

Key Features of Project Deliverables Template

There are a few essential elements you should incorporate while building your own project deliverables template:

  • A synopsis of the project. Just a few phrases to give a brief overview of the deliverables and their purpose; nothing too wild.
  • A summary of every deliverable. This should be a thorough list that details each activity that must be carried out to achieve the project’s goals.
  • The due dates for each output. Deadlines are essential because they give everyone a sense of urgency and help them stay on task.
  • The individual in charge of each deliverable. Depending on the project, this could be one person or an entire team.
  • Any further remarks or notes? Provide extra information about each deliverable, along with any special instructions or demands.

How to Create Project Deliverables Template

Be Brief

Create a plan that prioritizes your project’s most crucial features and what stakeholders care about. Use simple language and high-level specifics to make the plan understandable.

Consider Conflict

Plan and anticipate conflicts. Before starting the project, explain how you will resolve issues.

Set Goals

Visualize stakeholders’ interests and influences. This streamlines project planning.

Be Open

Establish transparency through two-way communication. This builds stakeholder trust and encourages project success.

Plan Beforehand

Start your stakeholder management plan early. This lets you identify, understand, and include key stakeholders early, which may boost project involvement.


Give stakeholders the plan template. Accessibility fosters openness and ensures you didn’t omit any key stakeholders when building the plan.


Maintain your project plan. As stakeholders change and have varied expectations and levels of engagement, this ensures your plan is correct.

Utilizing the Template

Create a template for your stakeholder management plans. This ensures consistency, prevents information loss, and speeds up planning.

To conclude, a good project deliverables template helps manage projects. It provides precision, coordination, and structure to keep project participants on the same page and move the project along smoothly.

The template includes deliverables, timelines, assigned resources, and status updates, making it a project team resource. Successful projects stress teamwork, ease of use, adaptability, and regular updates to provide timely high-quality deliverables.

A complete project deliverables template Excel helps project managers handle complex projects and provide effective answers to stakeholders.

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